Just added some new entries to my Best Things list.
Congrats to the latest inductees:
Old computer screensavers
New TV screensavers (city flyovers preferred)
Seeing the latest cover of a magazine for the first time
Sneaking a few pepperonis off of a pre-cooked frozen pizza
Tackle boxes that open up into various compartments
Tiny holiday town dioramas
Pushing the buttons on a soft drink lid
The moon during the day
Three-nut peanuts
Fire escapes on old brick buildings
Houses that used to be schools
Businesses that used to be houses
Learning about landmarks from the sides of U-Haul trucks
The pizza reveal when you crack open the box
Seeing the other side of a train platform through the brief spaces between cars of a passing train
Books with ribbons/bookmarks built into them
Those POV driving/countdown sequences before the movie starts at a theater
Subway station tiles
When a movie based on real life shows the actual people as the closing credits start
Striped railroad crossing gates (bonus points if aloft)
Big Entry for Pizza and Railroads